Myofascial release: A primer

What is Myofascial Release?

Myofascial Release (or MFR), is a safe and exceptionally effective hands-on technique that uses a gentle, sustained pressure applied into the tissues of the body.  This specific type of pressure releases restrictions in the body's connective tissues (fascia) that pull on the inner structures of your body and cause pain and discomfort, and limit motion.  What’s that? Tell you more? Certainly!

Now you may be thinking, what is fascia?

Fascia is a three dimensional web of connective tissue that surrounds every muscle, bone, organ and nerve in the body. Think of it as a sticky web whose sole purpose is giving support to the inside of your body.  When subjected to strong force, fascia has a tensile strength of 2000 pounds per square inch!  This is why a myofascial release therapist only uses tiny amounts of pressure.  If you try to force it, it won't budge. 

How does my fascia get restricted?

Physical trauma, surgery, inflammatory responses (stress!!!), repetitive motions and even emotions get stored in the fascia of your body, and create restrictions. Once these restrictions start pulling on your bones, muscles or even organs, the pain starts.  These restrictions are invisible to x-rays,  CT scans, Myelograms or any other current scanning technologies.  A manual therapist who specializes in MFR has the ability to find, assess and release these restrictions. As these restrictions release, you get to be in less pain.

Will MFR help me feel better?

Absolutely! MFR does require time and patience. It is not a quick fix for a problem you've been having for a long time. Healing takes place in every session. That healing can looks different for everyone. Some people feel better right away, while others take more time. Some people feel worse before they get better, and that's normal too. Chronic conditions will take time to treat, but they will improve!

What does a session of MFR look like?

Every session of MFR begins with an analysis of your posture.  Your therapist will look at how your body is holding itself up in space, and how your body behaves at rest. These are keys to discovering where these restrictions live. The entire treatment is performed directly on your skin, without creams or lotions. In fact, it's critical you arrive for your appointment without moisturizing your skin. This allows your MFR therapist the best sense of your body, and supports their ability to release those pesky fascial restrictions.

Men should bring a pair of shorts. Women should bring a pair of shorts and a sports bra. You remain in these throughout the session. Rest assured, there's a blanket if you require more privacy or warmth! Each session is customized based on your body and your needs.

The bottom line...

Myofascial release is an effective treatment for: chronic pain, acute pain, post-op scars and surgical recovery, nagging pain you woke up with and can't explain, orthopedic injuries, improving range of motion and athletic performance, pelvic dysfunction and so much more. If you've tried other things, and haven't achieved the results you were hoping for, make yourself an appointment today. You can start feeling better sooner than you think! Like, now!


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